Guidance for Wed 8 and Thu 9 May

LIVE video stream on Temple of Balance Facebook page - with Lee-Anne Peters

- heart connection - flow - peace - action - assertive - speak up - courage - let old doors close - allow new doors to open - trust. Thanks for watching!

If you enjoyed this video please share, comment or show your support, thank you, Lee-Anne


- Thanks for watching


  • Lee-anne, I followed you before face book and I will follow you after fb. You inspire me to be a better person and i send Big Love to you and your Family. Sparkle on and create a magical future, transcend the chaos of the world and shine a light on the negativity to transform it to Love. Namaste dear heart.Your website is always the best way to see your work.
    Forget the rest. Be gentle with you, you are doing your best. No one can ask for anything more. You are enough.💗

    Pauline Jones
  • I love todays reading. I resonated with it quite well. Namaste ❣️

    Batya Medwed Reiki

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