Cards for 26 April - 2 May

Live video stream on Temple of Balance Facebook page - with Lee-Anne Peters
If you enjoyed this video please share, comment or show your support, thank you, Lee-Anne
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- Monday's - cards for the week ahead.
- Support videos as inspired several times per week at this stage. See facebook page below.
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so far my week has been crazy. i fit right in .
Hi Lee – Anne,
I love your monthly videos! They’re always spot on. You actually saved my life. For that I 🙏🏼 thank you very much! For your soothing and healing words.
I’m hoping to attend one of your healing weeks and to meet you personally next year, or even perhaps this year.
You’re such a compassionate person with a huge heart.❤️. It draws me back time and time again to Temple of Balances monthly readings.
I have since moved passed that terrible place & time! Thankfully all is well in my world once more.
I’m now very active in making my world and those I encounter; or love the very best people they can be! This includes me first and foremost.
I am forever in your debt, for I was so alone and in need of your sound and sage words.
I send you great love, peace and happiness from a grateful Soul. You have help me to transform my life!
I’m so very grateful to you! Thank you eternally.
Namaste 🙏🏼 or for me God Bless you! I believe that one we trust in no matter who or what is one, just different for us all. 🥰💐🌹☘️🙏🏼🌈😁.
Kindest Regards Always,
Karen Lee Gifford