A Tasmania healing retreat experience...
At our next Tasmania Healing Retreat (15-22 Feb 2019) we'll be doing lots of the usual stuff - meditating, drumming, spending time in nature, releasing, talking and sharing space... but this time we'll also be doing quite a lot of creating.
We'll spend at least a whole day individually making our own personal Healing Energy Cards ... I will guide everyone through this, offer tips and help anyone who needs it. We'll be using the option or combination of pencils, acrylic paint, pastels (oil or soft), water colour pencils or collage.
This creation will then be used to create a personal Healing Energy Card deck just for our personal use during the retreat and afterwards.
We'll also be turning ours, or our favourite creation, into an art talisman to wear whenever we want to feel the energy close to us.
I'm very excited to be bringing more of the creative element to this retreat. You don't need to have any artistic skills to do any of this - I will guide you all the way if required.
We're about half capacity at the moment - so if you'd LOVE to learn more or join us on this week long live-in retreat, you can learn more here: https://www.templeofbalance.com.au/collections/events/products/event-tasmania-healing-retreat-15-22-feb-2019
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to make contact!
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters