2:2 healing event

LIVE video stream on Temple of Balance YouTube Channel - with Lee-Anne Peters
Join Lee-Anne live (or later on the replay) for this hour-long stream. During which will be some smudging and clearing, time for receiving with the drum and time of giving (sending around the earth) with the singing bowl. All supported and directed by Lee-Anne's intuition, the moment and her healing energy cards.
If you enjoyed this video please share, comment or show your support, thank you, Lee-Anne
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Thank youLee-anne, the drumming was awesome and the healing cards, then the bowl just vibrated through every cell. It ended on a bird song of joy in the back ground. Mmmm so very peaceful , sending Love to all who dwell here on this planet, united for the good of all. Bless
I would love to save this video . This particular video I was able to connect with and really radiate the healing energy from earth to self and all around . I felt such peace in that moment . Thank you for sharing your special gifts with us. I hope to continue to pass this on to those who need it and want it . Namaste Goddess <3
Beautiful healing 🙏❣️ thank you so much Leann 🌻💜🌺
Blessed be
Thank you so much blessed be