Pick a Card - Healing Energy Cards - results

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Join me and have some FUN with my 'in-creation' Healing Energy Cards (original and deck 2 - stand alone expansion)... deck refining phase...
This interactive reading is open to anyone who wants to play!
All you need to do is take a deep breath and trust the first number/s you are drawn to below (you can pick more than one):
7 - 17 - 27 - 37 - 47 - 57 - 67 - 77
Write your choice/s on this post, then look down in the body of this post to find the link to the card you chose.
Your feedback about your choice is helpful for me as I refine these decks ready for printing.
When creating a deck of cards the most important part is this stage - of refinement and serious testing.
Note: Cards 1-55 are from the Healing Energy Cards - original deck, and, cards from 56 - 110 are from the Healing Energy Cards 2 - stand alone expansion.
[7] CARD: 55. TREE OF LIFE - Enjoy the fruits of your effort, hard work and harvest. Life. balance. Wisdom. Completion of a phase, so the new can birth. Earth. Support. Appreciate.
Category: Neutral
Category: Neutral
Healing Energy Cards original deck.

[17] CARD: 7. SELF LOVE - Spend time in reflection, silence or solitude to help you connect with who you are. Time to ground, meditate or create may support you. Love.
Category: Rest
Category: Rest
Healing Energy Cards original deck.

[27] CARD: 28. PURIFICATION - White light flushing through your spine. Cleansing. Purging. Washing. Allow yourself to be cleaned out. Connect. Presence of loved ones in spirit.
Category: Action
Category: Action
Healing Energy Cards original deck.

[37] CARD: 66. CREATING NEW SPACE - Make the room. Make the space. Make the time. Empty out the old. No excuses. Heal. Create. Self care. Inner growth. Spring clean. Support.
Category: Rest
Category: Rest
Healing Energy Cards 2 - stand alone expansion.

[47] CARD: 103. THE RUNWAY IS CLEAR - The way is clear. All that needs to be done is done. New arrival. Everything is on track. Manifestation. Walk ahead. Celebrate. A job done well.
Category: Neutral
Category: Neutral
Healing Energy Cards stand alone expansion.

[57] CARD: 51. CHARGING - Stop to refuel & recharge yourself. Energetic boost. Replenishment. Power surge. Electric energy. Make the time required. Restore your energy levels.
Category: rest
Category: rest
Healing Energy Cards original deck.

[67] CARD: 37. CELLULAR CHANGE - Anchoring light into your physical body. Love. Healing on a cellular level. Union. Merge. Whole. Complete. High vibrations. Yin Yang.
Category: Depth
Category: Depth
Healing Energy Cards original deck.

Unbinding contracts, obligations & promises once made. Release from the narcissist. Waking up. Realisation of living a lie. Influence. Truth.
Category: Rising
Unbinding contracts, obligations & promises once made. Release from the narcissist. Waking up. Realisation of living a lie. Influence. Truth.
Category: Rising
Healing Energy Cards stand alone expansion.

I trust your selection/s resonate and support you today.
Stay tuned for interactive readings coming up....
Lee-Anne Peters
- deck artist and creator <3
Have been on two tough journeys that have been intertwined. Last piece of paper work has just turned up leaving the way ahead clear.
I chose 7 & 77 and found both were applicable with 77 even more so. Thank you
Many thanks Lee-Anne…Number 37.. card 66 reflects what I’m doing at this time, minimising my belongings which I will be continuing to do over time. This makes life simpler for me, and lightens a burden for loved ones in time. Also working on self care to lighten burdens within, through meditation and breathing.
The card was perfect for my situation at the moment.
Perfect. Right where I’m at during this time.
I also enjoyed the sound cloud meditation that came today. Thank you.