Online Events coming up... before 7 March

I've these six very supportive online events coming up over less than a 2 week period, and I felt it would be easier to see them all and what they are, in one place, so you can decide whether you want to join in, in advance or not.

Note: all dates are in Sydney time - GMT+11 - all links have worldclock details so you can find your own timezone.

All include LIVE video streams and take place on Facebook - please see the links provided.

THURSDAY 22nd FEB at 9am - Patrons healing event (individual focus) 1 of 2 - LINK:

THURSDAY 22nd FEB at 7pm - Patrons healing event (individual focus) 2 of 2 - LINK:

SATURDAY 24th FEB (7pm) - Temple of Balance 13th Birthday - surprise video stream at (

SUNDAY 25th FEB (9am) - Temple of Balance 13th Birthday - surprise video stream at (

TUESDAY 27th FEB at 10am - Pillar of Light healing event (POL members only) - LINK:

SATURDAY 3rd MAR at 11am - Public Healing Event on 3:3 - LINK: (see event tab)

WEDNESDAY 7th MAR at 9am - Online Drumming Circle (registrations only) - LINK:


I look forward to connecting with you personally or as part of the public events throughout this time period. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to let me know.

Lee-Anne Peters

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