Message for September - sent with LOVE

Welcome to September!
Here we are once again, and I trust this message finds you well and at peace. If it doesn’t I hope you will find some comfort from this message.
Below you will find my messages for this month ahead and some things that are happening at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
August has been a high-speed month that has been jam-packed with much on the go and to focus on. Some of us solidified our stance, decision or commitment this month, and it has likely been to do with our future, and especially where we might see ourselves going in 2024. Even though the end of 2023 is still a few months away, many of us are planning and organizing what we will be tying up, completing and finalizing now in preparation for new beginnings later in the year and next. We’ve worked hard and put in great effort during August, and the personal rewards for doing so are already making themselves known.
I have laid out some cards for September - let’s see what they say…
The first week in September is a powerful time to make changes in our life and perhaps even apply improvements and change to how we care for our body. Nature may call to us for some much needed down-time, nature-time or reconnection-time. Life summons us forward.
The second week of September may prompt us to look into the shadowy and hidden parts of ourselves, our relationships and our life. Honesty and courage is the key as we use this as an opportunity to break negative patterns / bad habits and avoid going back to them.
During the third week of September we’re being encouraged to let go, cleanse and purge ourselves of old expired energy that has been weighing us down. There will likely be a meeting or gathering of significance this week.
The final week of September shows us that it is a time to celebrate. We may receive good news as the ‘fire works’ light up the sky in celebration. There may be something we need to be firm and decisive about this week as we hold our ground and stay true to what is the right thing to do.
Our theme for this month highlights us potentially feeling uncertain about relationships and aspects of our life that may seem ‘lifeless’. Let’s not allow our doubts and insecurities to pull us down, but stay as revived and renewed with life force as possible. Things are working out. It may help us to create a doable plan, stay organized and ask for help during September.
For more current energy updates throughout September, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Fri 15th September and is focused around our theme: Freedom. You can find out more details on the link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class will also be taking place on Fri 15th September. We’re onto part 3 of a 4 x part ‘Self Exploration’ Series - especially studying self, through self portraits - both abstract and detailed. This will contain technical information and then a discussion about ‘how we see ourselves’ - as seen through the portrait we create. Come to some or all within this series. Details on this below.
ART STUDIO / CERAMICS - Grand Art Studio Opening - Sat 11 & 12 Nov - Campbell Town, Tasmania. My first workshops there will be on Sat 25 & 26 Nov. Details on all of this will be out in the next week or so.
- 28 Feb-4 Mar 2024 - Solo painting & sculptural exhibition: Initiation: into the unknown; Social Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Tasmania.
DATE KEEPER - Temple of Balance turns 20! - Feb 2025 - series of workshops, classes, retreats and events in Tasmania, and some online.
Have a successful September,
Thanks so much for your support,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (Healing Energy Cards, online art class, and card reading club are here on the home page).
Ceramics website -
Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page -