Message for November

We’re diving into November!
I trust your first few days have been in good flow for you.
I bring this message to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I have pulled some cards for each week in November below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
Each month seems to bring with it its own unique wave of energy. October has been huge for tests, changes and has had a strong emphasis around endings / death, beginnings / rebirth and the struggles and challenges such things can bring. Many of us faced ourselves in the most brutal and bluntest of ways. We couldn’t hide from ourselves, our flaws or the aspects of our life which have tested us deeply. We had to instigate the shift from shadow to light - bringing all that we have been learning with us. This was a month of deep darkness, and the brightest of lights. It was a month that brought big challenges, but also big rewards.
I have laid out some cards for November - let’s see what they say…
During the first week of November we have the opportunity to shift our perspective and look at a situation - which seems to only be one way - differently. We’re encouraged to be patient, persistent and remind ourselves that now is not the time to give up. Solutions are around every corner!
The second week of November brings a big surge of energy that may hit us like a wave of ideas, inspiration or curiosity. We may find it helpful to take notes on these to see what might be good to take action on. Some of us may feel introspective this week and need to reconnect with our heart.
This third week of November highlights awareness and likely an epiphany! Let’s stay aware of our thoughts, words and actions, as well as what we are looking at through rose-coloured glasses. There is a lot for us to learn this week, and many of us will be called into leadership roles too.
The final week of this month is a double DRAGON whammy! Air and fire - working together - feeding each other - both quite masculine elements. This is a powerful time to focus, decide and apply ourselves mentally to the changes that are underway in our life. If no changes are occurring, then it is highly likely that we will create some new things this week.
The theme energy for November is reminding us to stay focused, hold our position and be confident in who we are. Others may think they know us or what we think / feel, however their interpretation is filtered through their own beliefs and experiences. There is a general sense of joy, simplicity and personal transformation available to us this month.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (December), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout November, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (upgraded original deck) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): we’ve just received news that printing on these decks has begun. Stay tuned for news of them being finished and pre orders opening. This is estimated to be in about 4-6 weeks!
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Fri 11th Nov and we will be focusing on our BALANCE theme. We’ll be exploring things like: Where is your balance at? How might you better achieve it? How can you maintain your balance etc? Details are on my website link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class / art therapy session / deep healing event will also be taking place on Fri 11th Nov from 5-7pm (Syd Daylight savings time) In this session we will explore our theme: INITATION. This is a powerful thing to do on the 11:11. Details are on my website link below.
CERAMICS - New and revived ceramic pieces are being updated on my website regularly at the moment.
Thank you for connecting,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (online art class, and card reading club here on home page).
Ceramics website -
Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page -
Healing Energy Cards Facebook page -
Pillar of Light Family -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
Hello Lee-Anne,
I’m so very grateful to watch you & hear your voice helping me to connect in better energies. Your always spot on and it has brought new meaning to my life. Three years ago, after an Domestic Violence attack, I discovered you on YouTube. You truly helped save me for which I’m most grateful. Depression and fear were overwhelming me and it was a dark time for me. Things have thankfully improved.
I’ve had difficulties signing up for Patreon, once I had an account, but Patreon won’t let me access or create a new one. If I could send $$ directly for a Pillar of Light membership that would be most appreciated. Is that possible?
Very excited for upcoming pre-order!!