Message for June - sent with LOVE

Welcome to June!
I trust you’re having a pleasant and stable start to this month.
I bring this message to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I have pulled some cards for each week in June below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
May was incredibly jam-packed with life event after life event. There has been a lot to prepare and ready ourselves for, and for the most part - we pulled it off! We got through it and many of us are now out on the other side. Things changed big-time in May, and during those changes we learned more thoroughly about patience and taking one day / one step / one thing at a time. In fact this was our lifeline over many May days. By the end of May, we’ve been settling into the changes, new beginnings and new experiences that manifested in our fifth month this year.
I have laid out some cards for June- let’s see what they say…
The first week in June highlights something beautiful to celebrate. For some of us this will be regarding the new level of our life, a recent upgrade etc, also though, some of us may be celebrating the life of someone we care deeply for. The waxing moon is building the energy up and into a month long (all of June) period of confidence-building and preparation for new beginnings.
The second week of June brings emphasis around our boundaries and noticing what or where we might be giving our power and attention over to. Reining in our energy to refocus on what is truly important at the time, maybe helpful. There is an underlying feeling of joy this week as many of us are motivated to feel uplifted and active.
During the third week of this month there is some ‘luck’ on our side, as this is a favourable time to start something new, continue an endeavour or to reach out. In some aspects we may not have a lot of action or movement this week however, as we are also encouraged to observe, bide our time and ‘strike’ when the green light turns on, and not before.
The final week of June is about structure and action. Some of us may find that we are building newer and stronger (than before) foundations and structures in our life, our relationships, within ourselves and with our schedule. This is likely a week of purpose and meaning as we let the sun set on the past behind us, and allow it to rise on the new lands before us. We are ready!
The theme for June is again (like May) about learning and leading the way for ourselves. It’s up to us to step up and learn what we need to, and step up to the demands and rewards life has to offer. We may need to be slow and steady this month - finding our steady and comfortable pace and rhythm of movement, action and healing that aligns with our body, feeling, thought and desire.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (July), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout June, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (original) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): All is on track. Adjustments and refinements have been made. We’re not in a position to consider printing on these right now (early June), hopefully by July we will have a more concrete plan of action.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Fri 17th June from 9-10am (Syd time). I’ll be guiding you through making your own card reading spread, and some things to consider with your card positions, question etc. Bring your cards, we’ll be playing with them together. Link to register is below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class / art therapy session / deep healing event will also be taking place on Fri 17th June from 5-7pm (Syd time). This session will see us diving deeply into our HEART. Let’s see what we can heal, uncover and discover about ourselves through this area of our being. If you’d like to join in, please see the link below.
PATREON SOLSICE GATHERING - Tues 21 June - this is a bi-annual event that takes place on each solstice. It is open and available to any active Patreons or Pillar of Light Members at the time of the event. This month we’ll spend a couple of hours chatting and creating a spread, and then reading together, so please bring a deck of cards along. Details of this are on the link below, and specific log in details will be sent to active Patreons and Members a few days prior.
CERAMICS - My ceramics creating is on hold at the moment as we prepare to set up a new studio for me. I do still have quite a bit of ceramic items on my website (link below). You can also browse some of my pieces on exhibition at Cradle Mountain Gallery (see below), and in the window of Maus Haus in Lincoln st, Lindisfare, Tasmania.
TASMANIA SOLO EXHIBITION - The Wild Raptors of Tasmania - is a solo art exhibition by me, and for the first time it features my visual arts - painting, and sculptural ceramics too. This exhibition focuses on three of our wild raptors - the Wedge-Tail Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Masked Owl. It’s on now at the Wilderness Gallery at Cradle Mountain, and will remain open through till 7th September.
SUPPORTIVE SERVICES - re-opened! My drawing, healing and reading services have new opened again after a few weeks break while moving house.
May your June be powerful, supportive and motivating,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (online art class, and card reading club here on home page).
Patreon Solstice Gathering event details -
Supportive Services -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Ceramics dedicated newsletter (monthly) - (option 5).
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
Wilderness Gallery, Tasmania -