Message for June - sent with LOVE
Welcome to June!
I trust you’re in good flow at this time. If you’re struggling with it, I trust something shared will be supportive to help you unhinge and flow forward.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please signup here: (option 2).
May was a busy month of chasing our tail, experiencing deep healing and resolving potent issues we’d long buried. We certainly didn’t have a lot of time to rest - so those quieter moments we captured were extremely valuable and precious.
I’ve pulled a few cards for June - so let’s look and see what the guidance is (a guide only)…
The first week of June looks to be a time of healing for our physical body. We will most likely be called to make adjustments to our schedule to heal, mend and reassess our life. But especially called to reflect on the shadowy, fear and worry we may have been holding onto recently, and then let it go.
The second week in June is more active, as we take action to make our move. We may feel indecisive this week, so will be called to make a decision once we feel clear about what that needs to be. Our decision will likely be around coming out of hiding, truth and being authentic.
Week three will likely bring forth a time of celebration, with an upgrade - as we take something to the new level. We may need to affirm that our boundaries are clear, healthy and secure this week.
By the end of June our patience may be tested. We’re encouraged to be patient and persistent - especially if we are looking for a solution to something. Our prayers will be answered this week.
The theme for June is about being creative and recognizing how far we have personally come. We’re encouraged to get serious about a meeting or gathering of like-minds this month.
Stay up-to-date with the current energy as it happens via my Current Energy Reports - coming to you weekly throughout June. If you’d LOVE to learn more about becoming a Pillar of Light Family Member - please see the link below.
Thank you so much to my 49 x Temple of Balance Patrons who have chosen to continue supporting my work this month. We’re reached a new milestone of support - THANK YOU!! So stay tuned for a thank you and short personal message I will be sending each of you.
Our final Online Drumming Circle will be happening this Wednesday the 6th of June. You can register for it on the link below, or automatically be a part of it if you are a Pillar of Light Family Member.
Our 2019 Tasmania Healing Retreat only has a couple of spaces / beds left. If you’d like to spend a full week with us in February, you can learn more or register on the link below.
I am making fabulous progress with my new Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards. My aim is to have everything complete by the end of June so we can open pre orders next month (after I secure a printer). So you’ll hear more about them soon.
I’ve released new pendants, ceramics and artwork on my website recently.
Have a wonder-filled June,
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Pillar of Light Family -
Temple of Balance Patrons -
Online Drumming Registration -
Feb 2019 Retreat -
Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards facebook page for new oracle card development and online launch soon -