Message for January - sent with LOVE

Happy New Year!

I trust you had a fulfilling and loving 2017. If you look back over the year and feel pain or regret, then I trust that through expanding your viewpoint and understanding that you will learn what the lessons had to offer, so you can become an improved version of yourself.

If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please signup here: (option 2).

December was a hectic and wild time. We experienced mountainous hurdles - came out the other side of deep burrowing tunnels - felt the deepest depths of LOVE - reconnected with others and with ourselves - and some situations turned inside out. We got through the month wiping the sweat from our brow - relieved in many ways that what we went through opened other new doors, although we wouldn’t want to go through a lot of what we went through again.

Let’s look ahead into January now. I’ve pulled some cards for each week of the month, as well as looking at the theme energy - so let’s see…

The first week of January brings forth a mixing pot of joy, flatness and motivation. We may quickly become frustrated with ourselves in the slow moving and flattened moments. But underneath the ‘push and pull’ we are uncoiling more of our authentic, honest and real self. We tap into this part of us in those lowest and highest moments - when we let ourselves be who we are and be how we feel - we are being authentic.

As we move into the second week of January we may be inspired, or forced, to go through a purging and cleanse of our physical body. Although we may think it is just our physical body clearing toxins, it will also have a powerfully positive effect on our emotional and mental states as well. Our body is moving through powerful cycles at this time, so we are guided to amp-up our ability to listen to and trust in our body.

The third week in January brings highlight to our creative endeavors, improving our skills and starting new hobbies. We may feel a sense of personal recognition in regards to what we are ‘good’ at and what we are improving on skill wise. There may be some chaotic, scattered and potentially overwhelming energy sweeping through this week. Let’s concentrate on what we’re doing, keep focused and set a simple and doable plan if required.

The last week of January is one of physical healing - as we clear out old wounds and release ourselves from sluggish energy. Things of the heart may not be as they seem this week. Let’s remember to hold true to our values, truth and what feels right to us, and take steps to reconnect with who we are on a deeper level.

The theme energy for January is we may be feeling the need for a lot of privacy and quiet time to heal, mend, prepare and reflect on our life. Time in nature may be especially nourishing for this private time this month.

We may also be feeling deflated, especially in certain relationships this month. We’re guided to stay on track, breathe deeply and rekindle any ‘lacking’ romance. Let’s be aware that our mind may make us think that we’re lost or off-track this month - however we’re guided to gently steer ourselves back on track.

Stay up-to-date with the current energy as it happens via my Current Energy Reports, coming to you weekly throughout January. You can enjoy these by becoming a Pillar of Light Family Member - please see the link below if you’re inspired to learn more.

Thank you to our Temple of Balance Patrons for January - I intend on focusing on your rewards over the next couple of days.

Our Online Drumming Circle has already been hosted - thanks to all who participated. Please note that there will be no circle in February, and therefore it will return on the first Wednesday of March - the 7th.

I’m down to the last illustration required for my in-development and upcoming Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards. This is extremely exciting for me, as this project has been in-the-wings for a couple of years. Soon I will increase refinement of the card’s meanings, and all is on track for a release in the latter half of this year.

Currently my basic supportive services (readings / healings) are closed to bookings. I have opened a limited number of Intuitive Energy Healings - which can be done over the phone or video chat. The others will remain closed for the unforeseeable future. If you feel you need support you may find much benefit from becoming a Pillar of Light Family member or to work with my Healing Energy Cards to support yourself through this healing time. I invite you to explore the options and see what resonates with you.

I look forward to welcoming our retreat attendees from across Australia and the USA on the 2nd of February - both Cory and I are looking forward to spending the week with you.

Wishing you an empowering, authentic, abundant and creative New Year,

All my LOVE,

Lee-Anne Peters


Pillar of Light Family -

Temple of Balance Patrons -

Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards - facebook page -

Tasmania Healing Retreat 2018 information -


  • Lee-Ann , I always go looking for your video on face book or the cards you have pulled for the day or days . I find you and your work very inspiring & strengehening . To love to do more than just tune in . But for now this is all I can comit too .
    I wish you & your family an amazing 2018 . I will see you on your videos.

    Jens conti
  • Lee-Ann , I always go looking for your video on face book or the cards you have pulled for the day or days . I find you and your work very inspiring & strengehening . To love to do more than just tune in . But for now this is all I can comit too .
    I wish you & your family an amazing 2018 . I will see you on your videos.

    Jens conti

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