Message for February - sent with LOVE

Welcome to February 2020!
I trust you’ve had a smooth start to your year - as we are now getting our teeth into 2020!
In this email you’ll find my predictions for the month ahead, and then a few things we have going on at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
January has been a strong month of change. New beginnings have been flowing into our life from all directions. This has created some great opportunities as well as stirred up some turmoil and change we may still be trying to come to terms with.
I’ve laid out my cards for February - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout the month. Links below.
During the first week of February we’re being encouraged to look at things differently and from a new perspective. We may be seeing something in a negative way, however there may be something positive about the situation we may not have realized. There are potentially some changes in the home this week, and a more structured vision and certainty about our purpose and what to do moving forward with our life and goals.
The second week of this month brings a heightened energy through. This energy brings with it potential good flow, abundance and connection. This is a favourable time to start something new. It may be important for us to keep our boundaries strong and healthy though - any ‘gap’ within our boundaries - and how we are using our energy and time - will likely stick out like a sore thumb this week.
Week three brings fiery and powerful energy forth for motivation and change. This week we need to let go and allow the sun to set on old parts of our life so it can rise on the new. The new dawn rises. The fire element may be strong this week - bringing highlight to change, motivation, action, courage and letting go.
The final week of February see a step up - we will need to step up as a leader in our life - and we may have little or no choice about it. We’ll have to put into practice what we’ve been learning and talking about. Let’s find the courage to lead the way. Although this feels serious, there is light-hearted energy coming in to lighten up our mood.
The theme energy for February is to know that we are loved and supported - and that we are not going through our challenges alone. Let’s keep going and see the challenges through. Underneath there is a beautiful uncoiling and opening energy, which is helping us come out of hiding and ensure we are living and breathing our authenticity in public and private.
For more current energy updates as they come and in detail each week, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
My new ceramics are now up and available. Thank you all for your support during my launch last month. There are still a few creations left. I estimate my next pieces will be ready around mid-March. See link to my ceramics website below.
Our 2020 live-in Tasmania Healing Retreat is now closed to new bookings. Cory and I look forward to welcoming and supporting all attendees when you arrive on the 14th. 2021 retreat details will be available in March / April.
This month, on the 25th Feb, Temple of Balance turns 15!! I am so grateful to have had your support throughout these years. Keep an eye out for games, giveaways and sa.les around that time. Details will be on my Facebook and website as it gets closer.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
Have a fantastic new month, I look forward to connecting with you during it if our paths cross.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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Pillar of Light Family -
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