Message for December - sent with LOVE


I trust you had a happy and healthy November flow. If not, I trust that things are moving and improving for you in a more favourable direction.

If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please signup here: (option 2).

November has been a mammoth month of dreaming new dreams, opening Life Doors and closing old doors. We’ve experienced much personal transformation, healing and inner change as we ended the month ‘under repair’ and being prompted to turn all outward focuses inward.

Let’s look ahead now into December now. I’ve pulled some cards for each week of the month, as well as looking at the theme energy - so let’s see…

As we begin the new month of December we’re encouraged to deeply purge and cleanse our body from toxins and things which we sense are not supporting our body’s health and well-being. Getting organized maybe important for some of us as we’re encouraged to delegate chores and reduce ‘last minute stress.’

In the second week of December we’re urged to trust in the flow and especially in the changes (large and small) which are occurring. We can trust that any delays are orchestrated. We may feel inspired to slip into our private space this week to mend, heal, reassess and explore how we can improve our self-awareness.

The third week in December brings an opening of abundance and being in good flow in our life. There is a general sense that things may feel like they’re working out, and perhaps much easier than we anticipated. This is a week of taking a risk, opening up to new beginnings and following our heart into the unknown.

The fourth week of December feels very healing and confrontational, as we face our shadow side, our fear and insecurities and release these shadowy parts of ourselves. Gatherings will be important this week and we’re encouraged to see the joy and beauty in such get-togethers.

The theme for December is to allow our heart to open up so we can sing our heart-song. There is a stirring of self-motivation, joy and music flowing within us. Some of us may see the very physical manifestation of change and a renewed sense of purpose for the long term of our life.

Stay up-to-date with the current energy as it happens via my Current Energy Reports, coming to you weekly throughout December. You can enjoy these by becoming a Pillar of Light Family Member - please see the link below if you’re inspired to learn more.

Thank you to our Temple of Balance Patrons for December - I will be in touch with your rewards early next week.

Our Online Drumming Circle occurs on the first Wednesday of each month, so the December one will be happening on Wednesday the 6th of December - you can register anytime.

Thank you for supporting my ceramic owl collection throughout November. Most of the pieces s.o.l.d. out quickly, so some items have been restocked. The baby owl and large owl sculptures are currently air drying and should be on the site in a week or two.

Currently my supportive services (readings / healings) are closed to bookings. I cannot see them opening up until March at the earliest. If you feel you need support you may find much benefit from being a Pillar of Light Family member or to work with my Healing Energy Cards to support yourself through this healing time. I invite you to explore options and see what resonates with you.

Have a healthy, happy and prosperous December. Wishing you a beautiful journey into 2018.

All my LOVE,

Lee-Anne Peters


Pillar of Light Family -

Online Drumming Circle -

Temple of Balance Patrons -

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