Message for August - sent with LOVE

Welcome to August!!

I trust this message finds you happy and well. If you’re struggling I trust this helps bring you a little comfort and support.

If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please signup here: (option 2).

July has been a big month of change, disruption, eruption and coming to terms with things. Some doors have closed permanently, while other large ones have swung open. We’ve had moments of going deep into ourselves to find new understanding and insight, and in general we found it. We’re now implementing this into our life.

I’ve pulled a few cards for August - so let’s look and see what the guidance is (a guide only)…

During the first week of August it will likely hit-home with us that something has come to an end - this change is final. Some of us may require some down-time and self-healing around this - especially if it affects us intensely. Something may be blown-out-of-proportion this week - let’s remember to keep the peace and seek alternative options if required.

The second week in August may feel like we’re in limbo and waiting on something. This will likely prompt us to look at things differently. If we’d become too fixated on looking in a certain way, this may be challenged this week. Let’s keep our energetic protection up against negativity or dramatic energy.

In the third week of August we may be feeling quite dedicated to our spiritual and psychic interests. Our intuition will likely be strong and we’re being guided to trust it (as always). Let’s remember that we are supported - especially if it feels like we’re walking through a battlefield at times.

The last week of August feels lighter, and like we have extra time and energy available to create, practice our skills and do what we LOVE. This week will be like a breath of fresh air. Let’s recognize and appreciate people who are close to us and who LOVE us unconditionally.

The theme for August reminds us to be compromising and that it’s not ‘all about us.’ We will be doing a lot of learning, as well as leading the way in August. For some of us our flow and the movement of our life will be good and quite abundant. This suggests that even if the first few weeks are heavy or intense, we will likely travel through them as well as we can - putting into practice what we’ve been learning in recent months.

Stay up-to-date with the current energy as it happens via my Current Energy Reports - coming to you every Monday during August. If you’d LOVE to learn more about becoming a Pillar of Light Family Member - please see the link below.

I’ve written a lot of blog articles this month you may be interested in. Some of the topics are: connecting with your shadow, my theme word reflections, planetary influence and practicing non-attachment. I’ve shared a link to access these below.

This month, on the 6th of August I will be starting a three week intensive self-healing program. If you’re inspired to dedicate three weeks of August to your healing journey, and you’d LOVE to learn more, please see the direct link to join below.

Our 2019 Tasmania Healing Retreat has spaces / beds left. If you’d like to spend a full week with us in February for a break, healing and fun, you can learn more or register on the link below.

The big news - if you’ve missed it, is that my brand new, next deck of oracle cards are open for pre orders. My Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards are my 4th deck, and took over 4yrs to get to this point. You can pre order anytime. The deck is due to be back from the printer and be in our hands in October.

A huge THANK YOU to my Temple of Balance Patrons, Pillar of Light Family and those of you who support my work through my website - I appreciate your support which helps me be able to do my work.

May your August be just how it needs to be for you,

All my LOVE and gratitude,

Lee-Anne Peters


Pillar of Light Family -

Temple of Balance Patrons -

Blog articles -

Self-Healing Intensive Program -

Feb 2019 Retreat -

New Oracle Cards pre orders -

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