Looking within
Recently I was asked what it means to look within and how to achieve it. It's one of those things I automatically thought most people understood, but then to receive this question I wondered if it actually is.
Looking within is a perspective / viewpoint change.
It is within the quiet moments of meditation or reflection.
It can be found when in a space of feeling.
It's discovered when taking full responsibility for one's actions.
It's also captured when bringing one's full attention and focus into the present moment.
I share a little about my thoughts on LOOKING WITHIN in this video - I trust you find it helpful.
How do you look within? What is this like for you?
All my LOVE,
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Lee-Anne Peters is an artist, self published author, speaker and founder of Temple of Balance. Lee-Anne is passionate about helping others follow their own passions and to experience real balance in their life. She does this by being a practicing and living example of what she teaches, and encouraging others to discover what works for them. Lee-Anne resides in Tasmania, Australia with her husband and two teenage children.