Lee-Anne's Perspective - Tasmania Healing Retreat - February 2019

Thank you Temple of Balance for the whole experience. I am so grateful to have experienced this retreat. - Nicole
The lead up this retreat was intense - and whenever this happens it is preparing the energy, and people for something quite deep and special. What this would be - we had no idea at the time - however all revealed as the week progressed.
Day 1 began on early Friday the 15th of February. We didn't need to hire a vehicle this time because over half of the attendees were driving themselves to the retreat. So I picked a few up from the airport and the others met us there. Unlike other years we were unpacked, settled and ready to begin by mid afternoon - instead of after dinner. So we dived straight in...

We did a thorough smudge of the venue and ourselves, drummed outside, allowed ourselves to be as fully present at the retreat as possible, then we drummed our way into our sacred space.
This year I invited everyone to share something special about themselves during our introduction sharing stage. Some people shared a special part of themselves, a story, poem, creation or something which is usually done in private. It was a lovely way to start and I could already feel a strong connection being made as we got to know each other better.
I asked everyone to finish the sentence - I am at the retreat because....
Most people answered that they want to get to know who they are.
I asked everyone to contemplate that and who they see themselves to be. We sat on this while we took a break for dinner.

After dinner we listened and shared as everyone presented their thoughts on who they are. Our discussions focused around self LOVE, our star and spiritual origins, growth, courage and changes.
We dived deeply in on our first day - it was a great day.
I shall honour the lessons and value the connections I have made at this retreat as I use these tools in my future explorations. - Tami
Day 2 started early with some outside stretching, and then we moved into some creating... okay art!
It brought with it laughter, fun, some challenges but great courage and increased self belief. From my perspective this was a brilliant day to instruct and observe.
We did a few creating exercises...
Our first task was to finger paint the background for our main project - some healing art, which we would turn into our own set of healing energy cards to use during the retreat and afterwards. We had fun...

While these dried....We found leaves and outside objects to draw and we tried a speed sketch, using our non-dominant hand!!
Ahhh the resistance... I started with allowing them 2 minutes, then it was requested to be longer, so I took it to 1 minute, and then figured we'd cut it to 30secs. So with a big sheet of white cardboard, a grey lead pencil, an item and the 30 sec timer set - we started. Passing all of the objects around until we got back to ours. The resistance quickly softened and we got into the swing of loosening up, scribbling and just getting the general idea of the item we were drawing.
From here I wanted to encourage everyone to get a feel for using soft pastels. So in the spur of the moment I took everyone outside to notice what we could see about a group of trees in the distance. We observed their shape, line, where the light hit, colours, texture etc... then we went inside to draw our own version of a tree step by step...

It has been a wonderful journey with a great group of people and perfect venue. - Judy
The concentration, process and results were so incredible I decided to add these trees to the Healing energy card deck we were creating...

Then it came time for us to work on finishing our main project. We spent quite a bit of time looking at our finger painted pieces to see is anything was 'popping' out within it - for us to bring out with some pastels on top of the dried paint.
The results were incredible.. I am so proud of every person's effort.

After dinner we connected with our piece and decided on a title for it. This shifted and awakened much heart energy in the group, so we moved into some drumming, rattling and listened to some inspiring music to help the energy move.
Sunday morning - day 3 - we prepared to meet at Richmond to listen to my Concert Band play a line up of songs, two of which we 'backed up' combined 'pipe bands' - this was nice to enjoy some live music. I picked up our Healing Energy Card templates, and the prints of our healing art project to turn into art talismans. We spent the afternoon cutting, gluing and I poured the resin into our talismans to set.

While they set we did some great brainstorming on keywords and titles for our card deck. We ended up with 26 x cards - our raw finger painting piece, finished piece and our trees. This was an extremely productive group time.

After dinner we did our first reading using our own cards - a past, present and future reading - and the accuracy and buzz when our own cards were selected was incredible.
We then moved into another card reading - the Intimacy Spread - using cards of our choice - this was confronting and cut through the BS to reveal our personal blocks. You can do the Intimacy Spread too - here's the procedure.
This type of work can only be done in a very safe and sacred space which was truly achieved in this group. Your gentle leadership and guidance allowed this space to manifest. - Fiona
Now this gets us to the end of day 3!!! It was full, revealing, creative, challenging and deeply penetrating...
Monday morning - day 4 - we dived into learning about the seven major chakras, energy, balance, left / right sides etc.. With lots of knowledge to call forth, but not a strict plan, I felt inspired to invite everyone to check in with their chakra system. We had some paper for them to make notes, or a little scribble of how each chakra felt.
This was deeply revealing... and suddenly our chakra learning day, turned quickly into a day of deep healing.
The energy become heavier and we moved into sacred ceremony - we put our warrior face on and moved through various activities to bring old emotional energy - unexpressed / suppressed energy up and out. We let our anger be expressed through creating, we drummed, wept, moved and ultimately reclaimed our power to push past resistance - recognising more deeply how strong we are.
This was an exhausting day, and we ended it with a quiet meditation where I guided everyone to visit and connect with a tree. We lightened the mood with a game of Mysterium before bed.
This was my first retreat and I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment and will return to the next one. - Donna
Tuesday - day 5 - was our designated release day... It started slowly... many of us felt heavy from the day before, and somewhat resistant to the releasing for our own personal reasons.
From my perspective, the only intention I had for the day was to release our papers we'd been writing on all week with what we wanted to release in the fire flames. How that would be, and what led up to that was very much a mystery - even to me.
So I dived deeper than ever into my trust of the unfolding.
I was drawn to bear medicine - so we talked about bear and did a bear meditation journey to meet and learn from bear in our own personal way.
This led into discussions about the Phoenix... and this flowed into talk of the fiery 'deathbed' - where the Phoenix 'dies', but is also reborn anew.
Now it was clear - we needed to silently all contribute to making our own combined 'deathbed' - a nest - with our release papers included too - so we could burn it all in great ceremony.
We honoured the space we moved into with silence...
We collected and made this 'deathbed'.... to lie old parts of ourselves to rest...

We remained focused and determined to make the most of this.

When the time came we all stood around our nest... and it burst into flame in the most perfect, dramatic and powerful way we could have ever hoped for.

For me, I felt sad, grateful and celebratory for the part of me I was releasing. I felt immense support during this powerful releasing experience.
We drummed, sang and sat silently until the fire became smouldering coals.
We did more card reading for ourselves to finish the day.
Day 6 - on Wednesday - was a slow start. We surfaced at our own pace and late morning set everyone up for an hour sound bath using a gentle combination of instruments. This was our day of nourishment and nurturing.
This happened to be the day of the Full Moon - the night was clear - and we decided to walk to the beach to watch the full moon rise. It was a lovely and gentle experience. Afterwards we did a past life meditation.

I will always remember my time here in Tasmania at the Temple of Balance retreat 2019 - Aileen
We woke up on Thursday - day 7 - knowing it was our last full day. We started early morning packing and cleaning, and then spent a few hours in reflection of our week, considering what action we can take to embody what we learned this week.
We sang some mantras together, and a Sacred Song a few of us wrote a few retreats ago. It was beautiful bonding time as we allowed ourselves to be open and vulnerable, but especially to connect in with the power and beauty of our voice.
We shared great qualities we'd observed about each other during our week together. It was during these moments that our heart bond as a group was cemented and we knew that we had travelled into deep experiences and moments during this week, which would remain special to us all.
Then we drummed our hearts out.... we meant business... we were there to change and we felt it as we walked the room drumming all that we had learned into our life and body. We were not the same people who started that retreat on day 1!

"Thank you Cory and Lee-Anne for an amazing retreat. Thanks has been our 2nd retreat and it was truly special. - Helen and Tom
There pretty much ended our 2019 retreat. As a facilitator I am extremely proud of my fledglings - their courage, vulnerability and not allowing themselves to give up or be defeated. Some moments were challenging, and others were exhilarating. Their wings are stronger, their self belief improved, self-help tools increased and courage is off the charts... fly out into your world new and improved fledglings and show yourself what you're made of!! As the mamma bird who created the safe and supportive nest for the week - my heart is full, content and I know working with groups is something I never want to stop doing - navigating it with full trust in the unfolding is so inspiring!! Thank you all for putting your trust in me.
Next retreat info can be found here... There will be limited spaces... I would LOVE to share new experiences with you there!!!

Tasmania Healing Retreat Testimonials - 15-22 February 2019
"This was my 4th retreat with Lee-Anne and Cory. To enter sacred space and journey forward with loving guidance is such a privilege. The way all activities were conducted was perfect for the group and in complete synch with my personal needs. The support from the group fantastic.
The creative element of this particular retreat was special and again we were all nurtured through the process. The end results was a powerful art pendant and a deck of cards plus 2 x art pieces. The shamanic release day was powerful. The food great. The healing sound bath was brilliant.
Thank you Temple of Balance for the whole experience. I am so grateful to have experienced this retreat. Oh, I forgot to mention the outing of the bagpipes and seeing Lee-Anne perform was magical. Elementally yours." - Nicole from Melbourne.
The creative element of this particular retreat was special and again we were all nurtured through the process. The end results was a powerful art pendant and a deck of cards plus 2 x art pieces. The shamanic release day was powerful. The food great. The healing sound bath was brilliant.
Thank you Temple of Balance for the whole experience. I am so grateful to have experienced this retreat. Oh, I forgot to mention the outing of the bagpipes and seeing Lee-Anne perform was magical. Elementally yours." - Nicole from Melbourne.

"Thank you Lee-Anne and Cory. This was my third retreat. I have embraced and loved every element of the week. I have been able to dive in deep and achieve immense healing and shifting. This type of work can only be done in a very safe and sacred space which was truly achieved in this group. Your gentle leadership and guidance allowed this space to manifest. I truly could not have asked for a better group of souls to share this journey with. Many thanks from my heart, always." Fiona from Melbourne.

"Thank you Lee-Anne and Cory! This was my first retreat and I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment and will return to the next one. It has been an amazing journey, with a fantastic group, with inevitable highs and slumps as I delved deeply into finding me exploring through art and music. Thank you for creating and holding the sacred space for the experience. My heart is in a much better place and is in the process of blossoming. In deep gratitude." - Donna from Hobart.

"Thank you Lee-Anne and Cory. I really appreciate the opportunity that you have provided. I came here not knowing what to expect but with your guidance and gentle encouragement I have experienced so much more than I have imagined. It has been a wonderful journey with a great group of people and perfect venue. I look forward to joining you again. Best Wishes." - Judy from Victoria.

"My second retreat with Lee-Anne and Cory has been a journey of discovering my love for myself. Thank you for your kindness and nurturing during the time here. To have a safe and wonderful space to express and learn. Being able to create our own artwork and have it made into a pendant and our own personal deck of cards to work with has been such a privilege. To have such a group here with us full of light and love has been very pleasurable. The day of releasing was very powerful around the fire. Sound healing and meditations, walks along the beach, watching the full moon rise and seeing, listening to Lee-Anne perform in her band at the Highland Festival was all fun and peaceful and the same time. I will always remember my time here in Tasmania at the Temple of Balance retreat 2019. Thank you Lee-Anne and Cory for all that you do." - Aileen from Victoria.

"Thank you Cory and Lee-Anne for an amazing retreat. Thanks has been our 2nd retreat and it was truly special. The dynamics of the group was great and we enjoyed healing right from the get go. Creating our own healing energy cards was a highlight and during the creative process we enjoyed exploring the meanings of our own cards which we then used each day and it was incredibly on point and mind blowing just how accurate they were. Self love is the key was the main message for me throughout the week. After much resistance I was able to release and let go. Thank you to all who attended and made this such a special week." Helen and Tom from Melbourne.

"Having never experience a 'healing retreat' before I had no expectations. The entire week sat at the pinnacle of the emotional mountain I brought with me, raising me even higher to inspect the experiences that brought me there. The depths of feeling I explored were perfectly counterpoint to the realisations of self sustenance the entire group helped me to discover. While each day, indeed each activity revealed new strengths, and the work was often emotionally taxing, it is with more than a little sadness I will say au revoir to all these amazing people.
Although we will all follow our individual paths, Lee-Anne and Cory's facilitation has show me we are never truly alone, and I shall honour the lessons and value the connections I have made at this retreat as I use these tools in my future explorations. Thank you." - Tami from Queensland.
Although we will all follow our individual paths, Lee-Anne and Cory's facilitation has show me we are never truly alone, and I shall honour the lessons and value the connections I have made at this retreat as I use these tools in my future explorations. Thank you." - Tami from Queensland.

Photos taken by me.