Lee-Anne's Perspective - Tasmania Healing Retreat - February 2018
"Yes, yes, yes to recommending this retreat and ditto to doing it again. Loving Gratitude." Nicole
On the Friday morning of the 2nd of February our retreat began with me picking up our 12-seater hire car from Hobart airport, along with our first three attendees. This followed by subsequent airport pickups until later in the afternoon once everyone had arrived.
The sixteen of us gathered from across Australia, and a couple of beautiful ladies who traveled from America. We prepared the space, smudged, unpacked, introduced ourselves and became familiar with the shamanic drums we'd be working with for the next 8 days. Some of us hung around a little later into the evening to have a fun game of 'Dixit' - which is great for the intuition and imagination.
As it was our first time hosting a retreat at this wonderful setting we were pleasantly surprised by the abundance of wildlife present. From a huge amounts of wild rabbits, bandicoots (a small Tasmanian mammal), pink and grey galahs, black cockatoos, parrots and even owls.
"This experience has been amazing! To be able to relax, feel safe to express and gain confidence has been life changing for me." - Aileen

We got to enjoy a large nature property and a secluded beach.

On Saturday, day 2 of our retreat, we started with some body stretching and moving, along with smudging and then we dove straight into the theory side of our highlighted workshop for the week - Spiritual Surgery Practitioner's Course.
For the first time I spread this great workshop across two days so we had extra time for practical, and it worked really well.
"The realness of this retreat has opened my heart. It's okay to be me." - Camilla
I personally loved seeing everyone open to learn something new and increase their ability to trust in themselves and the work we were doing.
"I will definitely be back, to be inspired, loved, and most of all to grow and reconnect with myself." - Lisa
We finished the day with everyone getting out their oracle cards and doing a 'Heaven on Earth' card reading together. The interpretations and how the cards related to people in their life was inspiring, and I feel we all learned a little something about working with oracle and about ourselves through this activity.
On Sunday morning (day 3) after some drumming outside, we got straight into the second day of the Spiritual Surgery Practictioner's course - which meant we pretty much dived straight into some practical - practicing the techniques learned with each other. It was great fun and people were starting to really connect with the energy learned on a deeper level.
The energy was really high so we did some 'aura viewing' practice while some of us worked with the healing energy. When the energy is heightened and being worked on like this it makes for a great opportunity for aura viewing.
The weekend was fantastic and it was wonderful to see the new strengths and confidence emerging in people.
After dinner we ended the day with a relaxing meditation, opened and soaked the beautiful energy up.
"Simply Awesome" - Tom
Monday (day 4) was our Shamanic day and it was brilliant. I painted everyone's faces and encouraged those inspired to, to dress 'tribal-like'. While Cory and I ran some errands and picked up more food, everyone got to work making a 'power staff' from various elements so we could use it throughout the day.

We explored power animals, and the idea of their wisdom and character teaching us something about ourselves. This led into a shamanic drumming journey so we could meet these animal helpers at a deeper level.
The energy was extremely high, grounding and powerful and increased during the day.
"A fabulous week with much healing and growing." - Jamie
After lunch Nicole and I shared the power song we had written at the last retreat (March 2017) with Kathleen. It was a great honour for us to share it and hear it being sang so well.
"This was my first spiritual retreat, it more than impressed me." - Anne
We then all took turns in sharing anything we wanted to say as we held the power staff / grandfather stick. It was powerful and full of many tears of gratitude and a deeper connection between us all. Those of us who shared in those precious moments will hold the memories forever in our hearts for it is beyond words to describe - it was heart-touching beyond words.
After a BBQ dinner we did another oracle card reading practice and some body shaking to prepare for our release day to follow the next morning.
Day 5 began with me painting 'spiritual masks' on everyone who wanted them. This was great as we prepared to remove our 'everyday' persona and embrace the higher energies for healing and release.

Our original plans of releasing quickly and spontaneously altered as the property filled with people mowing, burning fallen branches and cleaning up.
I quickly threw my ideas to the group for going to my sacred place about 45mins drive away and all were very keen. We slipped into serious release mode, with no chit-chat - we held space for ourselves and each other as we journeyed to Eaglehawk Neck for releasing.
"I've let go of heaps of old, restrictive, inhibiting beliefs and experience a massive shift on release day." - Helen

We'd been writing what we wanted to release privately on paper for the past few days, so by this stage the energy was heavy, palpable and required liberation.
We walked privately and completely focused on our journey to the release point, and at the right time we tossed our paper - with everything held in it - over the cliff and into the ocean. We cried, hugged and walked back feeling lighter and happier in ourselves.
To follow, and to celebrate we stopped in 'Doo Town' at 'Doo-liscious' - my favourite fresh fish and chips shop!

After dinner we opened conversation, asked questions, talked about past lives, connections, how to maintain the release work we did etc.
Wednesday the 7th of February (day 6) started with some Spiritual Surgery practice, and then it was our Sound Healing day.
"Thanks ever so much for the chance to find my inner healer." - Dexter
Having such a large lounge / conference room area meant we had lots of room to set up a dozen spare mattresses and create a beautiful relaxing atmosphere for everyone.
Cory and I worked with our shamanic drums, chakra chimes, wind gong and singing bowl for an hour to hold the space for relaxation, receiving and nurturing.
In the afternoon Cory did one-on-one sound healing for individuals who wanted it. Some of us went to the beach for a swim and had a lovely afternoon.

On Wednesday evening we did a group past life meditation which was very interesting. This was followed by a group drum.
Being our final full day some of us decided to set our alarms and go to the beach before the sunrise to drum. We were lucky enough to see two tawny frogmouth owls sleeping in a tree.
"I have truly enjoyed and embraced all on offer including working through the tough moments." - Fiona

I captured some of it during a live video stream on my facebook page. We saw a seal swim by as well - it was certainly worth waking up early for!!
Thursday we always leave as our 'open' day so we can focus on anything which feels right, and to celebrate, talk about implementing the changes we feel within ourselves into our lives and to start packing / cleaning up.
We had a great morning revisiting the 'past life meditation' from a different angle after breakfast.
"This has been a fantastic week of connection, growth, wisdom and sharing." - Relle
Reflection, drumming and conversation filled our latter morning and then we pulled a couple of oracle cards focused on what we need to do next to anchor or implement what we'd learned about ourselves this week.
It was a great day of celebration, drumming, singing and having lots of fun!! After dinner we lit the nearby fire pit and had more fun drumming and laughing around the fire. We were graced with a large group of black cockatoos, hawks and other birds visiting us.

"The road ahead is exciting. See you (Lee-Anne) and Cory 2019." - Jules
This was a great final night for our retreat as we did our best to enjoy the moments without thinking too much about leaving the next day.

"This retreat was more amazing than I ever dreamed." - Jen

"My heart has expanded. My feet have been grounded. My soul leaves lighter, than when it arrived." - Cath

So there you have it, we had a fantastic time, and the connections made, as well as precious and sacred moments shared, will stay in our hearts forever.
Thank you to all who made this retreat what it is. Each and every one of you contributed to this experience and for that I thank you deeply.
It takes immense preparation, organisation and calm, yet firm execution to create such an event - and I feel this all occurred in a way I was very happy with.
Thanks to Cory for your support, wisdom and constant help in the kitchen. Also, thanks to my daughter Madi for helping in the kitchen over the weekend and helping us set everything up.
I'm looking forward to creating an even better retreat next year, with dates finalised I will be releasing tickets and details in March, so stay tuned...
Date keeper: 15-22 Feb 2019 - more details here...
Please read below for the written testimonials from our attendees,
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
FB: Temple of Balance
Tasmania Healing Retreat Testimonials - 2-9 February 2018
"Wow! As I sit and listen to the bird song and bunny rabbits play, I am infused with a quiet and powerful love. Getting ready to integrate this enegry into my life. The group dynamics were perfect for growth. The facilities are perfect for getting into a zone of safe journeying. And once again the Sacred Space held by our hosts, Cory, Lee-Anne Madison (Lee-Anne's daughter) where exactly what was needed. No pressure to share yet safe nurturing space to explore new stuff and enhance hold stuff. Increase in tools and self awareness and connection to nature. Wonderful food in abundance. Thank you Temple of Balance. There have been some deep moments, new friends and definitely life changing achievements. Yes, yes, yes to recommending this retreat and ditto to doing it again. Loving Gratitude." Nicole Raps, Melbourne
"This experience has been amazing! To be able to relax, feel safe to express and gain confidence has been life changing for me. As I wake up to this beautiful bird song each morning and soak in mother nature, I have felt that I can now be myself, everything we have done on this retreat has helped me to begin my new journey, to let things from my past go and to embrace many new things that might come my way. Thank you so much to Lee-Anne, Cory and Madison for being perfect hosts, providing this wonderful venue where we can express whenever we like and feel safe to do so. Each day has been a journey from learning Spiritual Surgery to release day, sound healing and this morning drumming on the beach at an amazing sunrise. None of which I have done before and I am so grateful to have been part of it all. I would most definitely recommend this retreat and I say a thousand yeses to coming back to Tasmania to do it all again. Thank you Temple of Balance for helping me find myself. Lots of Love and gratitude" - Aileen O'Neill, Victoria
"Wow. What an amazing experience this retreat has been, so many wonderful highlights. There have been challenges too as with growth and healing comes difficulty, pain and tears. I've learnt new things, drumming, spiritual surgery, experienced sound healing and made heaps of new, dear friends that I recognise from other times. I've let go of heaps of old, restrictive, inhibiting beliefs and experience a massive shift on release day. I am eternally grateful to Lee-Anne and Cory of Temple of Balance for providing us a safe place to express ourselves, share experiences to learn and grow and move further along on our/my Spiritual Journey. Thank you so very much, I can't wait to do it all again. From my heart to yours. Namaste." Helen from Warragul Vic.
"When you walk into something with no expectations expect the thought that I am meant to be here I feel that every experience has been more than I could have imagined. The Spiritual Surgery days were intense with the amount of energy and support I felt. This is something that I will carry with me always. The next day stretched the boundaries I had put up and it was welcomes. The shamanic day, what more can I say. The day of Release was perfect in every way and I thank Lee-Anne and Cory for holding space with such integrity and love. Sound Healing is beautiful and a fantastic way to celebrate all that we had achieved so far. Such awesome people in a beautiful environment. The realness of this retreat has opened my heart. It's okay to be me. I thank each and every person, spirit, being, animal, and bird that helped make this retreat what it was. But most of call I thank Lee-Anne for her integrity, connection and everything else for making this retreat so absolutely life changing. I honour you so much. You and Cory make a wonderful team. So much love to all I have met." Camilla Jackson - Vic.
"Again a fabulous week. Confirmation of cetacean I had in my life. The road ahead is exciting. See you (Lee-Anne) and Cory 2019." - Jules - QLD
"A fabulous week with much healing and growing. Thank you so much for all your energy and support. Much love." - Jamie - WA
"Simply Awesome" - Tom - Victoria
"This retreat was more amazing than I ever dreamed. Lots of awareness, self-acceptance, growth, inspiration, and transformation. Thank you!" - Jen Casper - USA
"It's my 3rd year coming to the retreat, but now I realise that every time I come, I am re-connecting and growing. The love and support from Lee-Anne and Cory are second to none, they provide a safe haven for everyone and make sure everyone is comfortable. Everyone who attends enjoys their experience and we all have the same love and energy that inspires one another. I will definitely be back, to be inspired, loved, and most of all to grow and reconnect with myself. Love always." - Lisa Hellyer, Sydney
"My heart has expanded. My feet have been grounded. My soul leaves lighter, than when it arrived. I'm already looking forward to 2019 and this has been a wonderful way to start 2018. Thank you so much." Cath, Victoria
"This has been a fantastic week of connection, growth, wisdom and sharing. Thank you Lee-Anne and Cory for creating and holding such potent space. I love your authenticity and down to earth process. The way you allow each individual to find their own inner truth and guidance is inspiring. Thank you both so much, see you again soon. In loving gratitude" - Relle - Vic
"This was my first spiritual retreat, it more than impressed me. So much healing took place, a sense of belonging, feeling loved and supported, it was wonderful, a wonderful beginning to my spiritual journey. Much love and gratitude." - Anne - USA
"My second Retreat. I have built so much on what began at my first Retreat and the journey of my year in-between. This experience has been so tremendous in so many ways. I have connected with many here who feel like my Tribe and Soul Family. Connections and Re-Connections. I have truly enjoyed and embraced all on offer including working through the tough moments. When I think back on 12 months ago I feel so proud and full of gratitude for working through and learning and in sharing in Lee-Anne's wisdom and gifts and healings. I am also so blessed to have gotten to know Cory who is very gentle, humble and wise. I'm heading home feeling so confident, expanded, grounded and so very balanced. Namaste with much love from my heart." - Fiona, Melbourne
"The spiritual surgery was an enlightening experience and I enjoyed it immensely. I was able to connect with my surgeon and had an interesting time practising the methods of placing my hands and feeling the healing happening. Thanks ever so much for the chance to find my inner healer. I mostly enjoyed the release day out at Eaglehawk Neck and thoroughly enjoyed the sound healing. All over this was a magical week and I am so glad I made the decision to come. Cory and Lee-Anne are amazing people and I am very grateful for the chance to have been in attendance. Love and Light." - Dexter - WA
Photos taking from Lisa, Tom, Dexter and I.

Very interested in your 2019 healing event and the spiritual surgery workshop. looking for the price in Canadian dollars please. Lee- Anne it looks so so amazing would love to be part of it. Lotsa love.
thank you Faith.
I LOVE the sunrise video here.