- 11th December 2017 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
This is no doubt an intense and impactful time. What we are experiencing is changing who we are to the very cells and structure of our body - and this is impacting the collective - no matter how ‘dark’ things may appear in the world. We are powerful co-creators infusing more authentic light into the illusionary darkness which has consumed us for too long.
When the world slipped into darkness we also had to be infused with this darkness to survive in the growing dense and separate world. Yet for so many of us our hearts ached for light, for honesty, for LOVE and freedom - we knew it was there - somewhere just out of reach. Our tender hearts could not understand the harshness and pain of the dark world. Now here we stand infusing our very cells further with authentic light - which is pushing out the darkness within.
... Plus information on being pulled apart, new body emerging, detoxification, authenticity, removing the masks, healing and much more...... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE -- (only AU10 p/m - or approx USD7 p/m)
Energy Report have been coming to you since 2007.
New family are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at
Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
 - Online Drumming Circle - private video streaming - coming on 3rd January!
Guided Meditation - Getting from A to B
- Healing event with guidance - private video streaming - coming in January!
- Daily support in our closed fb group.
- Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with personal truth, support & more...
Pillar of Light Family - your Full Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report out on Monday
Limited amount of Supportive Services are currently open.
Click on image below to learn more.
Fan art thanks to Carine Anihime

1 comment

  • You have been a strength in my life. Ty.


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