- 9th October 2017 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
Now we float downstream - in full responsibility for our life, how we feel and what happened / happens along the way. The difference many of us may feel though is that the Universe is working WITH us! Not that it ever went against us, but WE have aligned with it - which means some of us are feeling more IN SYNCH or IN THE FLOW than we have for some time.
This is exciting and once we get on board, we stop floating with the current of our flowing river of life and we start to swim with it - moving around the twists and turns of the river, through the rapids and over into calmer areas when we require a little time to rest.
Many of us feel swept up, alight and engaged in our life again. We’re seeing the puzzle pieces fit together and we’re inspired to expand our landscape and life experience. We’re tired of settling for less than we deserve or desire!
.... Plus information on: kundalini awakening, reconnection, caterPILLAR phase, going with the flow, fiery inspiration and much more...... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE -- (only AU10 p/m - or approx USD7 p/m)
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Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
- Online Drumming Circle - private video streaming - 1 Nov
- NEW - Guided Meditation - Enjoying the fruits of my efforts.
- Healing event with guidance - private video streaming - NEXT: 16 Oct
- Daily support in our closed fb group.
- Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with personal truth, support & more...
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