- 14 August 2017 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
As we stay firmly anchored in our heart - we understand that this is where our true ‘engine’ is. Our true power arises from our heart - it is like a power station strengthening, powering and motivating us to be the best we can be. At this time we are at a turning point, where we have much support and motivation to tap into, which in turn is widening our path. The road we’ve been travelling has been a certain width, and now, some of us are moving up a gear, picking up speed and are preparing to ‘drive’ on a wider road.
What does this mean? It means we may notice increased opportunities, support and experiences to learn from. All of that work we’ve been doing on ourselves for our personal transformation is now overflowing from our heart and into our life’s path. Our journey is about to become a whole lot more fulfilling.
Plus information on: Bringing Heaven to Earth, speaking up, uncovering purpose, overcoming fear, milestone and much more......UPGRADED - LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE -- (only AU10 p/m - or approx USD7 p/m)
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Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
- Online Drumming Circle - private video streaming - 6 Sept
**NEW** - Freeing self, healing Meditation - August - mp3 - out now.
- Healing event with guidance - private video streaming - NEXT: 15 Aug
- Daily support in our closed fb group.
- Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with personal truth, support & more...
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Next Report out on Monday