- 30 August 2021 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
What a potent time it continues to be - just in our own little world - brewing our own tasty stew over the heat. If we add the drama and potency of the world then we have quite the pot of stew souring up and boiling over. Now more than ever we have to be absolutely picky and choosy with the ingredients we allow into our ‘stew’ as some that don’t need or deserve to be included will sour things up. We are the master chef of our life and it is up to us which ingredients we choose to add or not. When we let external influences, propaganda, drama, fear and the political narrative take us over, then we have little control over the life we are brewing. The good news is that it is not too late to start this tasty stew again. It is not too late to scoop out the ingredients which keep this stew bitter and salty. If something doesn’t feel right, or it doesn’t feel to be a beneficial and supportive ingredient to add - let’s not allow it into our pot! We choose what we let in, and what we don’t...continue reading the full report, with more information on; swimming, flowing, sinking, drowning, the Higher Plan, rise, signs, healing, activity status, physical, emotional, spiritual and mental statuses and much more..... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE
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Next Report coming next Monday,