Current Energy Report Snippet - 11 Jan 2016
We are like a rock - tumbling, rough edges being smoothed out and being highly polished from the River of Truth. Sometimes we may submerge or enter a succession of dumping rapids - we may feel breathless, scared and unsure for a short time, then up we come again - we find our position, take our breaths and continue our fast moving journey through the River.
We are being carved, smoothed, polished and deeply cleansed. Our nose, ears, throat and eyes may become temporarily blocked as our body adjusts and aligns with what has been set into place within our extended energy field. Our glands within our body may react at this time. We may feel at times to be pushed and pulled at - a prodding and a poking.
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~ January Meditation mp3 - Creating Contentment Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 2 Feb 2016 - on-air guidance
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Next Report out on Friday
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance