Current Energy Report Snippet - 11 Dec 2015
This a time of extreme high highs and low lows - as we may feel like we are swinging out of control - physically, emotionally and mentally. We are urged to remain connected, grateful and as present in the moment as possible. We may want to get lost in other people’s business, the drama of the world, our potential future or figuring out what went ‘wrong’ in our life.
Absolutely nothing went wrong, we are just at an unstable point in our life - the energetic storm has hit - let’s ride it out and know that soon, at some point the storm will pass and the sun will come out again. In the meantime, let’s find some quiet things to focus on to gently pass the time. Let’s reflect (but not get too caught up in it) and tend to our self care.
You can read a lot more on this in today's Report by joining our Pillar of Light Family.
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Exclusive - resources available:
~ December Meditation mp3 - At Peace Within Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 2 Feb 2016 - on-air guidance
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Next Report out on Monday,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance