Current Energy Report Snippet - 20 Nov 2015
At this time - right now - we are urged to look closely at OURSELVES! Why are we reacting? Why did we say that? Why are we feeling this way? We are urged to explore our attitude and how we approach certain things in our life - is the glass half empty or half full? We are urged to zip our lips to gossip or talking about other people. We are urged to avoid forming preconceived opinions on people we do not even know! We are encouraged to let go of our past hurt and pain - to release our grudges, our fear and wipe the slate clean!
READ MORE by becoming a part of our Pillar of Light Family - see below.
You can read a lot more on this in today's Report by joining our Pillar of Light Family.
Coming to you since 2007.
New family are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at
Exclusive - resources available:
~ November Meditation mp3 - out now - Breaking Free Healing Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 10 November (tomorrow) - on-air guidance
Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report out on Monday,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance