Embrace Your Creativity - Colour - 17 Nov 2015
"When I paint - I only have a palette of red, blue, yellow, black and white - and I can mix any and all colours I want from these." ~ Lee-Anne Peters
In this email for program members I talk with you in layman's terms about colour, the colour wheel, primary, secondary and tertiary colours, opposite colours etc. These are all quite important when creating, as well as when you observe something to draw / paint. To recognise the tones and reflects will help you know how to mix your paints, or which colour you require to best represent it.
More in today's - monthly technical tips - email to 'Embrace Your Creativity' Program participants - Signup here: www.templeofbalance.com.au/products/embraceyourcreativity
[acrylic painting - using only primary colours, black and white - Lee-Anne Peters]