Current Energy Report Snippet - 28 Sept 2015
What an amped up time! The full moon / lunar eclipse is literally upon us - only a few hours away from its peak - and the intensity has been fierce. From the highest and deepest of LOVE and connection - to the deepest and darkest of despair - the impact of this current energy is huge!
It can be challenging for us to hold or even find ALIGNMENT at this time. Things are teetering on the edge and just one thought or situation can topple the alignment we are desperately trying to grasp onto. It’s like we are carefully stacking stones, then the earth moves a little and they all topple over - and thus, we begin again.
You can read a lot more on this in today's Report by joining our Pillar of Light Family.
Coming to you since 2007.
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Exclusive - resources available:
~ September Meditation mp3 - out now - Wake Up Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 29 September (tomorrow) - on-air guidance
Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance