Trusting your intuitive impulses with Lee-Anne Peters
I’ve often said over the years that I live my life by following my intuitive impulses. This comes very much from a place within me - my inner realm if you like. To follow my intuitive impulses means that I am in tune with who I am on that internal level and I use that to be my compass in life. When I use this as my compass I will notice signs, synchronicities and urges. I try my best to follow what interests me at the time and I run with this.
When I listen to my body, hear how I feel and pay attention to my thoughts then I have my inner light switched on. I observe what is happening within my inner realm. Some of the areas within me are still in darkness, perhaps I have not explored them yet for whatever reason. However I know that at some point I will turn the light on in the darkness and see what I can further learn about myself.
I love to learn more about me, to get to know who I am and how I interact with the world - and how it interacts with me. I see this journey as an exploration - a path of discovery. I do my best to be fair, honest and kind to others, and especially to myself. I make time for me, and strengthen my relationship with who I am. I will wonder why I reacted to something which someone else said, or why I feel a bit withdrawn at this time.
When I do my best to be in harmony with this internal flow things in my life run more smoothly. I am in a clearer state of mind to make real decisions or take steps towards my dreams and goals. And when things are running smoothly I know that I am in complete alignment with my truth.
Sometimes things will affect me, and when they do I stop, step back and reflect. I don’t need to make any excuses about it to others, or justify my actions to myself. I just simply let myself feel and do what I need to do to readjust and find that inner alignment once more.
Challenge: Are you listening to how you feel and what is happening in your life? Are you blaming, or observing to notice why it may be affecting you so much right now? What do you feel might be good to welcome change or improvement into your life?
Thank you Lee words from the soul opens a portal of truth and light to guide as on this journey of life xxx