Current Energy Report Snippet - 6 June 2016

As the force of phoenix gets behind us now, it - pushes us into change - pushes us to break free of our past / present limitations - pushes us to embrace the new and true as it births before our eyes. Some of us have been feeling a strong force, like a favourable ‘tail wind’, which is prompting us onward. At times past we’ve felt like we were moving forward with a ‘head wind’ - which makes it harder to make serious progress and can be very tiring. Yet in these moments, for however long they will stay the ‘tail wind’ is helping us progress in leaps and bounds right now. As always we are guided to run with such energy as it presents, because we don’t know how long it will last.
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Exclusive - resources available:
~ June Meditation mp3 - Rose Inspired Alignment Meditation
~ TOB Radio - Tues 7 June (tomorrow) - on-air guidance

Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.

Next Report out on Friday,

Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance

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