Current Energy Report Snippet - 30 May 2016

Many of us realise more than ever that we cannot continue to live in the old way, according to the old map we lived by. The laws, rules, guidelines, habits, boundaries, structures, reactions and even our plans have suddenly been scrapped! We’ve pulled our old navigation map from our back pockets, and seeing it through our newly awakened eyes realise that we are not on that land anymore - we are not in that old reality which once nurtured us. We may even look at our map and see how foreign it feels. Things may not make sense, and we may have a feeling that the path we were walking on may not seem right any more. Or perhaps our path has left the map - it is off the edge!
There's lots more on this - READ MORE by becoming a part of our Pillar of Light Family - SEE HERE

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Exclusive - resources available:
~ May Meditation mp3 - Gentle Relaxing Meditation
~ TOB Radio - Tues 7 June - on-air guidance

Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.

Next Report out on Friday - with new meditation,

Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance

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