Current Energy Report Snippet - 8 April 2016
Some of us continue to undergo strong initiation tests, as we do our best to let go and surrender further our fear, anxiety, doubt and insecurities. We’ve been faced with it all this week, and some we never knew we contained - new fears, and new doubts. These are triggered as we stand before this new door. So we’ve had to be active in our surrendering, healing and breaking through doubt. We could allow it to cripple us, and we may even have moments where we just want to run for the hills - we think that what we are going through is just too much to handle. Sometimes we have to experience breakdown so we can truly break through.
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Exclusive - resources available:
~ April Meditation mp3 - Shed that Old Skin Guided Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 12 April - on-air guidance.
Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report out on Monday,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance