Current Energy Report Snippet - 4 April 2016

Many of us have quickly stepped into a phase of initiation. This may be bringing with it anxiety, fear, doubt, excitement, overwhelm and disbelief. It seems that all of even our teeniest fears are amplified right now as we stand before a large life door. We are being tested - any important initiation comes with tests. Those guardians who protect the life doors must be fully convinced that we are ready and we can handle the new energy which awaits on the other side. Our commitment is being tested as well as our own self worth.

Any minute insecurity is being awakened. And we must recognise it, observe it and let it go. Let’s not clench our teeth together for too long or roll around in this somewhat toxic energy we’ve created on our own. We MUST work through it, be real about it and move on from it!

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Exclusive - resources available:
~ April Meditation mp3 - Shed that Old Skin Guided Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 12 April - on-air guidance.

Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.

Next Report out on Friday,

Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance

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