Current Energy Report Snippet - 21 March 2016
This is quite a potent time for issues to surface. They are appearing through our dream and meditation visions, our relationships, interactions, work place and life in general. Not only are our own issues resurfacing, but so are many other people’s issues. Those who are insecure and are holding themselves in victim mode may project their issues onto us, and on the same hand we must be cautious of ever projecting ours onto others. If that even comes close to happening it is best to step inward, journal write, mend, listen to our feelings and heal. When we start to project and involve others that’s when all sorts of problems can emerge. We must OWN our issues - they are ours, we feel them, we hold onto them and we can surrender them. They hold no power over us unless we allow them to.
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Exclusive - resources available:
~ March Meditation mp3 - Opening with Butterfly Meditation.
~ TOB Radio - Tues 29 March 2016- on-air guidance.
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Next Report out on Monday,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance